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Wry neck (Torticollis) in Babies

Baby wry neck, also known as Torticollis, can restrict movement in babies, leading to milestone delays and/or development of flat spots on the head (plagiocephaly). Thankfully, physiotherapy offers gentle and effective treatment options.

Physiotherapy for wry neck typically involves:

Stretching Exercises

Gentle stretching exercises help to lengthen the tight neck muscles and improve range of motion.

Positioning Techniques

Physiotherapists may recommend specific positioning techniques during feeding, sleeping, and playtime to encourage proper alignment of the head and neck.

Parent Education

Parents are taught how to perform exercises and positioning techniques at home to complement in-clinic treatments and promote continuous progress.

Tummy Time

Encouraging tummy time helps to strengthen neck and shoulder muscles, improve motor skills, and prevent development of flat spots on the head (plagiocephaly).

Monitoring Progress

Regular follow-up appointments allow physiotherapists to monitor the baby's progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Early intervention with physiotherapy can significantly improve outcomes for babies with wry neck, promoting normal development and preventing long-term complications.

If you suspect your baby has wry neck, it's essential to consult a pediatrician and qualified physiotherapist for evaluation and treatment. With gentle, targeted interventions, physiotherapy can help your baby overcome wry neck and thrive.

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