See a Women’s Health Physiotherapist – Us! and learn how to do a PFM exercise (KEGALS) correctly! Stop second guessing or thinking are you doing it right? We use Real Time Ultrasound (RTUS) and will show on screen if you are doing your PFM right or not – no more second guessing, wasting your time and energy or having leaks because you’re not doing the exercises correctly.
Do your Kegels correctly - little AND often throughout the day – set a buzz reminder on your phone every 3 hours and do a few (fast and slow PFM exercise), or at every traffic light if you’re driving, every time you go to the have a drink or visit at your desk – any activity you do regularly just do a few PFM exercises.
Make time to go to the toilet to empty your bladder and or bowels. Don’t rush, bear down or squeeze anything out. On average it only takes 20-30 seconds to empty a relaxed adult bladder. That not long!
Sit on the toilet correctly – and fully on the toilet eat – don’t hover above the seat. Sitting with your bottom connected to the toilet seat and in a good toileting position allows your PFMs to relax and therefore empty your bladder or bowel easier.
Never breathe hold – whether playing sport, lifting your baby and or a load (weight) always exhale and never breathe hold. Holding your breath increases intra abdominal pressure inside your abdomen and pelvic cavity and in time may weaken your PFMs.
Let us know if these tips help and how you go – love to hear from you.
Smiles 😁
Senior Physiotherapist in Women and Men’s Health