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Physiotherapy for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition where the normally straight spine curves to form an “S” of “C” shape. Did you know that girls are 7 times more likely to have scoliosis as compared to boys? This is due to factors such as hormones, bone structure and genetic predisposition. Scoliosis can be mild, moderate or severe, and treatment may include one or a combination of the following:

  • Observing the deformity with regular examinations and follow-up X-rays

  • Bracing to slow down curve progression 

  • Surgery 

At PhysioMatters, our physiotherapists take on a unique approach to scoliosis management, featuring a blend of Schroth principles and physiotherapy Pilates. Schroth method emphasizes a conservative, three-dimensional approach to scoliosis – it targets the inner muscles of the rib cage to elongate and reshape the upper trunk, improving spinal imbalances and abnormalities. Pilates complements this approach by improving mind-body awareness and strengthening deep core muscles crucial for stabilizing the trunk. 

Teenagers and adults, including those who have undergone surgery, can derive significant benefits from our scoliosis program. 

  • For adolescents, the primary objective is to slow down or prevent the progression of spinal curvature. This is achieved through targeted exercises and techniques aimed at improving spinal alignment and promoting balanced muscle development, which can help manage and stabilize the condition during growth phases.

  • For adults, the program focuses on alleviating joint stiffness and reducing muscular tension associated with scoliosis. By enhancing muscle strength, flexibility, and overall spinal mobility, the program aims to enhance comfort and functionality, enabling adults to better manage daily activities and minimize discomfort.

Ready to embark on a journey towards better spinal health? Our physiotherapists are looking forward to guide and support you. See you soon! 


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